Archive | July 2015

Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Accept a Job Offer

Deciding whether to accept or reject a job offer is a major life decision that one should never make lightly. It’s easy to get swept up in the emotional aspect of the decision, but there are a number of logical factors you need to take into account as well.

Your decision might very well hinge on how you would answer the following questions:

  • Does the job seem like one you would truly enjoy and be good at?
  • Do you believe there are legitimate opportunities for growth and learning new skills in the job?
  • Will the company allow you to continue your growth you had achieved in your previous positions?
  • Will you be able to achieve your goals in the new position, both short-term and long-term?
  • Do you think you will get along with your supervisor and/or coworkers?
  • Are the salary and benefits fair and enough to give you the ability to provide for yourself and your family?
  • Is the commute reasonable?
  • Is the job in a stable company?
  • Will the new position help you to improve your resume?
  • Will any aspects of the job force you to compromise too much in terms of what you’re looking for in your career?

If you find yourself answering “no” to too many of these questions, the job might not be for you, despite the initial jolt of excitement you might have received upon being offered it.

Even if you have been unemployed for some time, you don’t necessarily want to jump into a position that is completely wrong for you and would either set you back in your career or your personal life. Consider these factors carefully when you decide whether accepting your next job offer is the right decision for you.